Kim Guldstrand Larsen at Danish People Meeting
During the weekend June 15-16 2013, every living thing in the politicl world will meet up at Bornholm for the People Meeting – Denmark’s Political Festival. The national innovation network for IT, InfinIT, represented by professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen, will also be present at the meeting, bringing an important message to the participants:
– ICT is the nervous system of today’s society. No matter where we go in our everyday lives, we are in contact with ICT systems, ranging from or online bank, the brake system (and practically everything else) in our cars, the increasingly intelligent energy grid, pacemakers, not to mention the numerous social media such as Facebook and Twitter which have revolutionised the way people are meeting and interacting.
So says professor at AAU, director of InfinIT and PI of IDEA4CPS, Kim Guldstrand Larsen. And this is exactly what he will tell anyone at the People Meeting who will listen. Kim Guldstrand Larsen and a number of other InfinIT affiliates can be found in the tent hosted by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, to the right of the large political mainstage.
An estimated 50,000 people will participate in the meeting over the course of four days.